Court of Protection

The Court of Protection was been established by the Mental Capacity Act 2005, to ensure the rights of people who lack the mental capacity to manage their own property, affairs or personal welfare is protected.

The Court of Protection is there to protect vulnerable people and in doing so can decide if they have the capacity to make a decision for themselves and if they conclude not, make decisions on financial or welfare matters on their behalf.

The Court of Protection can also decide on the validity of Enduring and Lasting Power of Attorneys and can appoint someone to manage a vulnerable person’s affairs in the absence of such power of attorneys.

At B&L Solicitors, we have a specialised Private Client department who have been dealing with this type of work for many years and know the legal processes involved inside out. We can ensure you receive a swift and professional service at all times, which means you can relax in the knowledge that your affairs are all in order. Please contact us on 0208 288 3522 or click here to email us.

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