
When a relative dies it is often traumatic and frustrating to handle the administration of their estate. B&L Solicitors offers a very sympathetic and efficient service in dealing with and advising on all aspects of administration.

B&L Solicitors offers the following services:

  1. General administration of an estate.
  2. Preparation of the Inland Revenue account and application for the Grant of Representation.
  3. Discharging the debts of the estate and paying legacies.
  4. Advising on relevant tax planning and the possibility of a Deed of Variation. (A Will can be varied up to two years after a death to incorporate Will changes or possible Inheritance Tax planning.)
  5. Preparation of Estate Accounts.
  6. The establishment of any Trusts referred to by a Will and management of the same. Dealing with all other work relating to the administration of the Trust.
  7. Advice of Intestacy (person dying without leaving a Will).
  8. Advice on challenging a Will.

To receive the right legal advice and support on all matters relating to your Will, get in touch with B&L Solicitors today on 020 8288 3522 or click here to email us.

To arrange an appointment please
text us on 020 8288 3522 or click here to email us